Texan Temptations will be closed beginning 2/12-2/23 to relocate to a new warehouse. Any orders placed during this time will not begin shipping until 2/24.
Stay tuned for the upcoming debut of Buc-ee's Easter Collection 2025!
Texan Temptations operates independently as a third-party seller and is not in any way affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by Buc-ee's. We purchase items directly from Buc-ee's at their retail price for resale.
All trademarks and names belong to Buc-ee's. The trademarks displayed are solely for identification purposes as they are part of the products we are reselling.
The photos, item descriptions, and titles on this site are the property of Texan Temptations and are not endorsed by Buc-ee's. They do not represent Buc-ee's in any manner.
**Texan Temptations exclusively offers authentic, brand new Buc-ee's merchandise for sale. As a third party reseller, we do not make any guarantees regarding the quality or craftsmanship of the products.**
This was bought for my granddaughter. She loves Buccee and it is sometimes hard to get there. Being able to order online is amazing. The quality is just as good as purchasing in store. Thank you for offering these items.